
Right now the peak fall run fishing season is just around the corner in the Northeast, and having the right fishing lures to cash in on the great action is a recipe for success. In my opinion, when ocean water temps reach about 68-degrees fall fishing is primed to bust wide open. One of the favorite species saltwater anglers chase during the fall run is the false albacore. Each season, in early September, this pint sized member of the tuna family floods into the inshore waters to feed on dense schools of small bait fish such as bay anchovies, white bait, rain bait, and sand eels. To fool the skittish albies one must have enticements that best match the hatch of the small bait the albies will be gorging on. The sight of a school of albies crashing bait on the water’s surface is one that will get any anglers adrenalin pumping. Keep in mind, the false albacore is not an edible fish for human consumption, so don’t bother to keep these tackle burners, but they sure do put on a fine show once hooked on appropriate sized spinning tackle.

False albacore aboard the GrandSlam caught off Montauk Point with fishing lures

False albacore aboard the GrandSlam caught off Montauk Point with fishing lures

False albacore fishing is mostly a sight fishing game with a run and gun approach of casting lures preferred by most center console boat fisherman that seem to have only two speeds: full throttle and neutral. However, a key to success while fishing for false albacore is to keep your eyes open on the horizon for any wheeling and diving birds, and to then close the distance at a moderate speed to best avoid spooking the fish. Once within casting distance you’ll probably see the water’s surface frothing with not just false albacore in the fracas, but also in the mix will be striped bass and bluefish. False Albacore are seemingly always in motion. In relation, an observant angler should watch the current, wind, and bird movement to make an educated guess on which way the school of false albacore is moving to, and then present fishing lures right in their path of travel.

Baits such as small tins, and diamond jigs such as MadBite classic chrome jigs, with or without a latex tube, in the 1 to 2-ounce range are just the right size to garner a strike from the rampaging albies. More strikes will come on the rod when any fishing lures are kept high in the water column and retrieved as fast as possible. Medium action sized spinning outfits spooled up with 20-pound braided line is a nice match to the albies that will be mostly in the 5 to 7-pound range. Braided line is the best choice of line for false albacore fishing because it will give you much more casting distance with your fishing lures, and also a higher hook-up ratio because of its low stretch quotient. Keep in mind albies have a keen sense of sight, so I would add on a fluorocarbon leader of about 24-inches in front of any fishing lures that are deployed. Fluorocarbon is invisible under water, and this will aid the hook up ration with any especially line shy albies. The knot I like to use most for this braided line to fluorocarbon connection is a Modified Albright knot aka the Alberto not. This knot is simple to tie, and I have never had one fail on me.

— By Capt. Tom Mikoleski

Tom_Mikoleski_v1Captain Tom Mikoleski is the successful fishing charter captain of the Grand Slam who sails out of Montauk, NY for trophy striped bass, doormat fluke, jumbo porgies, humpback sea bass, and monster sharks. Captain Tom is the author of Bass Buff — A Striper Fishing Obsession Guide


Eposeidon is an e-commerce company (www.eposeidon.com) that brings a fresh, innovative approach to anglers by offering quality products at the best prices and no cost, or low cost shipping. Eposeidon’s goal is to exceed expectations through outstanding customer service and superior product value to their customers. Eposeidon is continually expanding its product lines, which include KastKing™ fishing line, fishing reels, and fishing rods, MadBite fishing lures, Ecooda reels, and other fishing tackle products, to meet individual fishing equipment needs. Eposeidon is headquartered in Hempstead, NY, USA and sells fishing tackle products globally. Eposeidon is the exclusive North American Distributor for Ecooda fishing reels.